Thursday, April 30, 2015

聯儲局維持利率不變 無暗示何時加息 美國經濟急減速 一季度年率GDP僅增0.2%

聯儲局維持利率不變 無暗示何時加息
2015/04/30 08:01


聯 儲局在會後聲明中指,冬季期間美國經濟增速放緩,部份是由於暫時性因素所致。勞動力市場資源利用不足的情況未見好轉,企業投資放慢,出口下滑。家庭支出增 幅下滑,但家庭實際收入強勁增加,部份是由於之前能源價格下跌,消費者信心仍高。當局重申,當對通脹有合理信心而且勞動力市場繼續改善時,才會選擇加息。


Fed, White House fail to mention the D-word

Getty Images
Janet Yellen

D.C. bureau chief
There’s a word that both the Federal Reserve and the White House didn’t mention Wednesday that has played havoc with the U.S. economy this year — the dollar.
Search the text of the Federal Open Market Committee’s statement, or the statement put out by the White House after the disappointing first-quarter gross domestic product report, and you won’t find any direct mentions of the strength of the greenback.
Part of that is down to politics and the mantra that only the Treasury speaks about the dollar. Because, without mentioning the dollar, the Fed pretty well describes what has happened.
TimeWSJ Dollar IndexMay 14Jul 14Sep 14Nov 14Jan 15Mar 15
“Inflation continued to run below the Committee’s longer-run objective, partly reflecting earlier declines in energy prices and decreasing prices of non-energy imports,” the Fed said.
That doesn’t sound like much, but look carefully at the back part of that sentence — the reference to “decreasing prices of non-energy imports.” That’s another way to say that consumers and businesses can buy more stuff and services from abroad for less.
And, why is that? Because the dollar is up 26% against the euro over the last 52 weeks, and about 17% vs. a broader set of currencies as measured by the WSJ dollar index BUXX, +0.02%  .
The White House allusion to the dollar is even more subtle. Written by Jason Furman, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, the White House statement does note that volumes of U.S. exports are sensitive to foreign GDP growth. This weak growth has of course helped the dollar to rise.
Furman has previously been on the record about the dollar being a headwind for U.S. growth. Whether the new tone is a result of pressure internally from colleagues at Treasury or more a political shift isn’t clear.
Either way, both the Fed and the White House are finding it hard to ignore the biggest elephant in the room.

美國經濟急減速 一季度年率GDP僅增0.2%

美國商務部於4月29日發佈的數據顯示,2015年一季度(1~3月)美國實際國內生産總值(GDP、快報值)按年率計算僅增長0.2%。與增長2.2% 的2014年四季度(10~12月)相比大幅減速。主要原因是嚴冬導致個人消費下滑,同時出口也因受美元升值等影響而轉為負增長。美國經濟的急劇減速或將 對美聯儲(FRB)的加息時間造成影響。

 一季度的實際增長率大幅低於市場此前預測的約1%,幾乎實際下降至零增長水平。這在很大程度上是受冬季天氣因素等的影響,因此也有很多觀點預 測,2015年下半年將重回2%左右的穩定增長軌道。美聯儲將在考慮就業形勢的基礎上,慎重觀察2015年春季以後美國經濟復甦腳步是否改善。




      (矢澤俊樹 華盛頓報導)
《美國股巿》道指反覆跌74點 GDP數據疲弱
2015/04/30 07:59




美國鋼鐵挫11.6%,首季績意外虧損。聯合健康保險集團跌3.4%。科技股偏弱,蘋果公司股價一度破頂後收市轉挫1.5%,有傳Apple Watch因零件瑕疵導致供貨受限。雅虎跌2.4%。阿里巴巴挫3.1%。