Saturday, June 22, 2019













考慮到歐洲日益高漲的民粹主義情緒,分裂主義正成為一個越來越熱門的話題,歐盟對意大利的「叛逆」感到焦慮也就不足為奇了。英國脫歐尚未結束,意大利可能會脫歐的火藥桶如果再被點燃,歐央行將不得不擔憂誰會是下一個「叛徒」了。( Daniela Sabin Hathorn撰,Cindy譯)

Meet the Mini-BOT: Italy Will Break Up the Eurozone

A crisis is brewing in the Eurozone and it's not even on mainstream media radar. Italy is at the center of the crisis.
BOT stands for Buoni Ordinari del Tesoro (Ordinary Treasury Bonds).
Mini means the denomination is smaller than the lowest denomination of regular treasury bonds, which is €1,000, thus "Mini-BOT".

The Italian government, led unofficially by deputy prime ministers Matteo Salvini (League) and Luigi Di Maio (Five Star Movement) both support the idea of a parallel currency.
The technocrat prime minister, Giuseppe Cont, is not calling the shots and threatened to resign over this issue.
ECB president, Mario Draghi, proclaimed “Mini-BOTs are either money and then they are illegal, or they are debt and then the stock of debt goes up. I don’t think there is a third possibility.
Possibility Three
A week ago, I noted possibility number three in Italy's Mini-BOT Trojan Horse Could Blow Up the Eurozone.
Possibility three is a Trojan horse designed as a stepping stone to get Italy out of the Eurozone.
Boiling Point
The two parties that make up the fractious governing alliance – the hard-Right League and the Five Star Movement – want to introduce a new type of government bond that would be used to pay off the state’s debts to companies and individuals.
Both the League and Five Star are deeply eurosceptic and have in the past mooted the idea of abandoning the common currency, with Matteo Salvini, the League’s combative leader, last year calling the euro “a mistaken experiment that has damaged jobs and the Italian economy".
The idea of introducing mini-BOTs has alarmed Europe, with Mario Draghi, the head of the European Central Bank, saying on Thursday that they would either amount to a parallel currency, in which case they would be illegal, or they would simply add to Italy’s towering debt.
He received support a day later from Vincenzo Boccia, the president of Confindustria, Italy’s employers’ federation, who said: “We are on the same wavelength as Draghi about the mini-bots because it would just mean more public debt."
“There’s a complicated game going on between the League, Five Star, the Quirinale (the residence of the president of Italy, Sergio Mattarella), ministers and the prime minister,” said Prof Giovanni Orsina, a professor of politics at Luiss University in Rome.
Showdown Coming Soon
A showdown is certain.
The timing is unknown, but it is sooner rather than later.
At the moment, France is also in breach of economic rules and there is this "little" thing called Brexit on the ECB and EU's mind.
So the EU will do what it always does, pretend there is no crisis and hope it goes away. But it won't.
Meanwhile, Italy wants to do this and will do this, but it would rather the EU trigger the event.
Path Set
Italy's budget is not close to meeting EU rules.The EU has threatened Excessive Deficit Procedures against Italy.
The EU will bush this aside debt targets for as long as it can, but the fate is sealed. The EU will either have to abandon its rules or fine Italy.
The upcoming fine and a spike in Italian bond yields will be the trigger for Italy to escalate the crisis with Mini-BOTs.
The longer the EU waits, the more time Italy has to prepare for the Mini-BOT launch.
I expect this to trigger within a year, and possibly months.
Italy is set to leave the Eurozone. The Mini-BOT is the transition mechanism. Few see it coming.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock

義大利政府垮台 為歐洲經濟敲醒喪鐘

義大利聯合政府組成才 14 個月,分歧不斷,近日副總理薩爾維尼 (Matteo Salvini) 就表示,與反體制五星運動 (5-Star Movement) 的聯合政府已宣告瓦解,並要求迅速舉行大選。目前國會正在夏季休會當中,最快下周才能舉行不信任投票。若要提前舉行大選,時間可能落在 10 月。
義大利自上次大選後,過去 5 季的 GDP 表現相當差,只有 1 季出現正成長。今年下半年,經濟學家預期,GDP 可能會出現緩慢的回升,然而,從最新的義大利政治動盪,以及美中貿易的戰火升級,都可能導致義大利經濟陷入衰退。
義大利 GDP 與預估 (來源:Bloomberg)
義大利 GDP 與預估 (來源:Bloomberg)
按照最新的民調顯示,薩爾維尼很有機會勝出,那麼,他將可能兌現承諾過的減稅政策,與新增投資方案。不過,若薩爾維尼不提高增值稅 (VAT) 的話,這將可能使財政赤字於 2020 年就超出歐盟規定的標準:財政赤字不得大於 GDP 的 3%。
義大利財政赤字與預估 (來源:Bloomberg)
義大利財政赤字與預估 (來源:Bloomberg)
如此一來,另一項副作用將隨即產生:債務風險。目前義大利公債佔 GDP 比已來到 132%,且毫無縮減跡象。目前義大利政府的崩解,已讓義大利公債與德債的殖利率差距,急速擴大。
義大利公債與德債利差 (來源:Bloomberg)
義大利公債與德債利差 (來源:Bloomberg)
若薩爾維尼的新政府上台,可能會兌現先前提出的小額票據「mini-BOTs」,類似新型態的短期政府債券,專門用來支付國家欠款。這類似發行一種平行貨幣,一旦發行,mini-BOTs 將能以歐元的面值進行折價交易。市場擔心,這可能危及歐元穩定,且進一步地削減義大利財政可持續性。
而政治的動亂與新政府或提高 mini-BOTs 的發行可能性,已使部分人士開始主張,義大利應該退出歐元區。這些紛擾將使歐洲與歐元的前景,蒙上更多陰影。

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