Wednesday, March 25, 2020

道指升2,112點或11.4% 創1933年以來最大單日升幅

《美國股市》道指升2,112點或11.4% 創1933年以來最大單日升幅









道指創1933年以來最大單日漲幅,但市場劇烈波動並未結束,美元/日元或將陷入盤整按圖放大另一方面,若風險偏好情緒得以保持,則美元/日元上方阻力位關注112,上破該水平則意味着多頭有進一步推進的意願,因此若日線收於112.22則將是一個令人備受鼓舞的技術走勢。雖然最近的價格走勢和美元/日元的拋物線式反彈表明市場情緒已經完全恢復,但筆者並不認為道瓊斯指數和DAX 30指數等風險資產也會出現類似的反彈。外匯市場基本面和技術面雙管齊下,就在Dailyfx免費交易指南

綜上所述,在未來幾天,美元/日元可能會出現劇烈波動,而沒有明確的趨勢。也就是說,在更明確的前景出現之前,對美元/日元來說,耐心可能是最謹慎的交易策略。(Peter Hnaks 撰,Cindy譯)

港美利差擴大至1999年新高 港幣套利交易亞洲最賺錢

借入美元購買港幣在過去一個月中成為亞洲最賺錢的套利交易,主要是因為一個月的香港銀行同業拆放利率 (Hibor) 與相應的倫敦銀行同業拆放利率 (Libor) 的利差來到接近 1999 年以來新高,讓高殖利率的港元資產更具吸引力,目前港幣已接近聯繫匯率制度的強方兌換保證 7.75 的區間上限。
美國聯準會上週緊急降息 100 個基點後,香港金融管理局隨即跟進將基準利率下調 64 個基點至 0.86%。此外,由於銀行屯積現金進行季末監管檢查,流動性收緊也推高了香港的利率;而最近 21 天以來,中國的南下資金買超港股,也拉升了對港幣的需求。
港幣一旦觸及聯繫匯制上限 7.75,可能促使香港金管局出手買匯,以維持聯繫匯制的浮動區間,將是 2015 年秋季以來首見,過去兩年來,銀行同業流動資金池縮水了 70%,一旦金管局出手,將可為資金池注入活水。
法國農業信貸銀行新興市場策略 Eddie Cheung 表示,香港利率短期內應不致如同美國降息至接近零利率,兩者利差仍大,有利於港幣堅挺至第二季。

港幣美元近期維持在 7.7558 附近,一個月期 Hibor 上漲 3 個基點,來到 1.87643%,與 Libor 的溢價擴大至 90 個基點以上。

Hibor 和 Libor 利差已接近 1999 年以來新高。(圖:Bloomberg)
Hibor 和 Libor 利差已接近 1999 年以來新高。(圖:Bloomberg)
近一個月來,港幣在亞洲貨幣中的表現排名第二,僅次於新台幣,夏普比率 (衡量經波動率調整後的回報率) 顯示,同一期間,港幣美元是亞洲地區最賺錢的套利交易。
Hibor 與 Libor 的利差接近 1999 年以來新高,主要是因交易員押注香港和美國之間的利差將擴大,Hibor 預期將因銀行間流動資金池較小而維持在較高水平,而 Hibor 則可能因聯準會降低借貸成本的措施而維持在低檔。

〈紐約匯市〉QE、財政紓困雙管齊下 美元續回落 英鎊駛離35年低點

週二 (24 日) 美元結束漲勢,受到聯準會的量化寬鬆 (QE) 和即將在國會通過的財政紓困案拖累,美元避險需求大減,週二美元指數下跌 1.24% 至 101.963,結束了自 2012 年以來為期 10 天的最佳漲勢,激勵其他貨幣走強。

美元指數 15 分線 (圖片: INVESTING)
美元指數 15 分線 (圖片: INVESTING)
繼美國聯準會 (Fed) 於週一 (23 日) 宣佈推出無上限 QE 後,美國財政部部長梅努欽 (Steven Mnuchin)、及美國參議院民主黨領袖 Chuck Schumer 亦於週一 (23 日) 晚間表示,目前國會已「非常接近」達成總值 2 兆美元的財政刺激方案協議。
Nordea 的分析師表示,「Fed 竭力抑制美元漲幅,而開啟了史無前例的財政刺激與寬鬆政策,但我們擔憂一旦經濟度過疫情危機,美元將受重創。」
前聯邦公開市場委員會 (FOMC) 經濟學家 Nathan Sheets 認為,市場將開始感受 Fed 注入的海嘯性資金流動力,同時這點顯示了 Fed 將扮演國際最後貸款人的角色。

倫敦 Arkera Inc 外匯分析師 Viraj Patel 表示,歐洲和美國疲軟的經濟數據都可能重新激發人們對美元避險需求,他認為美元週二下跌只是技術性的調整。
Viraj Patel 說道 :「我們仍處於疫情風暴中,美國與歐洲會有越來越多地區實施封鎖,更多投資人會奔往美元避險」
週二 (24 日) 英鎊美元上漲 1.67%,至 1.1741,脫離了上週所創的 35 年低點 1.1413 美元。週一英鎊因為英國政府祭出的三週封城政策,一度重貶至低點 1.1448。
為防堵武漢肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情的擴散,英國首相強生 (Boris Johnson)週一捨棄了佛系抗疫的態度,下達了為期三週的禁足令,要求所有銷售非必需品的商店一律暫停營業,禁止公共場合超過 2 人以上集會。
歐元美元上漲 0.02% 落在 1.0788,但仍位於 1.0748 低點區間。歐元區 3 月份經濟受到疫情重擊,令歐元承壓,週二公布的歐元區 3 月份綜合 PMI 以及服務業 PMI 雙雙錄得有紀錄以來的最低水平,其中以服務業打擊最為嚴重。
美元疲弱進而助長其他新興市場貨幣,澳幣美元漲 1.75% 至 0.5929 美元,自 17 年低點 0.5510 美元回彈,但仍接近 2002 年來最低水平;挪威克朗收復跌勢,躍升至記錄高位,新興貨幣指數出現 3 年來最大漲幅。
美元日圓上漲 0.14%,至 111.36。武漢肺炎疫情重創日本經濟,週二日本公布了有史以來最快的服務業萎縮,製造業活動也以十年來最快的速度下滑。
日本 3 月份經季節調整後的製造業採購經理人指數 (PMI) 初值跌到 44.8,創下 2009 年 4 月以來最低水平,前值為 47.8,預估日本今年經濟將減縮 4%。
美國總統川普週二 (24 日) 表示,他希望企業在 4 月份的復活節前恢復正常,讓美國經濟重新開放,以減輕疫情對美國經濟的影響,專家認為這將使醫療衛生系統超載,不利於抑制疫情。
截至週三 (25 日) 台灣時間 5:00 價格:
美元指數來到 101.963。-1.24%
歐元美元匯率來到 1 歐元兌換 1.0788 美元。+0.01%
英鎊美元匯率來到 1 英鎊兌換 1.1776 美元。+0.16%
澳幣美元匯率來到 1 澳幣兌換 0.5969 美元。+0.20%
美元加幣匯率來到 1 美元兌換 1.4470 加幣。+0.05%

美元日圓匯率來到 1 美元兌換 111.53 日圓。+0.28%

Dow's Best Rally in 90 Years Marred by Extreme Volatility, Stimulus Dependency

Mar 25, 2020 10:45 AM +08:00
John Kicklighter, Chief Strategist

Dow, VIX, Dollar Talking Points:

  • Risk-sensitive assets were broadly higher this past session, but the Dow paced them all with an 11.3% rally - its biggest since 1933
  • Against the backdrop of an unmistakably troubled growth forecast through PMIs, hope was fostered in particular by US stimulus expectations
  • Volatility remains the leading consideration for the broader markets with sudden reversals more likely than a commitment to new trend

Why the Biggest Dow Rally Since 1933 Isn’t So Impressive

There is eventually a break in all driving trends, and Tuesday’s rebound from risk-sensitive assets was no exception. Taking stock of the day’s bearing, there was a very explicit bid across those battered markets that tend to track an appetite for higher return at the express sacrifice of greater safety (in other world’s ‘risk assets’). Nowhere was the charge more remarkable in my estimation than through the benchmarks for US equities. The advance was palpable for all the key measures I follow, but the top performance was put in by the Dow with an astounding 11.3 percent boom. That is the biggest single-day percentage rally for the ‘blue chip’ benchmark since 1933, easily outstripping the 9.3 percent S&P 500 rally or the Nasdaq’s 8 percent move. For those that want to read into the disproportionate move, this could be deemed a more systemic appetite for depressed speculative favorites, but I believe this is more appropriately a rudimentary speculative bounce with a little more targeted influence through unique fundamentals.
Wall Street BULLISH
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Daily -34% 83% 9%
Weekly -26% 79% 15%
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Chart of Dow Jones Industrial Average with 1-Day Rate of Change and 10-Day ATR (Daily)
Dow's Best Rally in 90 Years Marred by Extreme Volatility, Stimulus Dependency
Chart Created on Tradingview Platform
What is worth noting about the particular intensity for the Dow is that the US index has also set the pace with its tumble these past few weeks, stretching almost to a 40 percent correction from record highs. We discussed yesterday the disparity in pace leaning towards the tech-heavy Nasdaq as a possible indication of which industries’ revenues will be more heavily hit by the economic throttling that results from the coronavirus fight. The same considerations may hold in explain Tuesday’s rebound with US President Donald Trump remarking that he ‘would not let Boeing go out of business.’ The airplane manufacturer has lost its status as the principal component of the index, but it is still one of the vaunted 30. Meanwhile, a jump from across the spectrum of speculative measures I like to refer to still gives an encouraging bolt of optimism where little enthusiasm has been able to develop. Then again, a break in the clouds does not always indicate the end of a storm.
Chart of Relative 6-Month Performance of S&P 500, VEU, EEM, HYG, USDCAD and Copper (Daily)
Dow's Best Rally in 90 Years Marred by Extreme Volatility, Stimulus Dependency
Chart Created on Tradingview

Beneath it All, Volatility

There is plenty of fundamental fodder that can be used to cast serious doubt on any nascent recoveries for the broader market, but my concerns run more rudimentary lines than the collective doubt surrounding the fight against the impending global recession. My true misgivings lay with the level of volatility underlying the market. Elevated activity in the financial system is a resounding signal of uncertainty. Priced based volatility – which is pushing post GFC (Great Financial Crisis) highs – has yet to break its fever, and the check higher actually extends that troubling trend. Further, the implied (expected) measures of future indecision through measures like the VIX and its asset-determined counterparts continue to hold in dangerous territory.
Chart of the VIX Futures and Volume (Daily)
Dow's Best Rally in 90 Years Marred by Extreme Volatility, Stimulus Dependency
Chart Created on Tradingview Platform
Considered another way, would the Dow have put in for such an exceptional rally if the market were not already moving at an exaggerated clip? It is unlikely. A dramatic decline earns an equally-leveraged correction. Follow through in a recovery remains a difficult achievement. At its core, volatility is a reflection of uncertainty and instability. That does not align well to a sense of confidence that is necessary to draw funds back into the market ready to weather the fundamental uncertainty that lies ahead. More likely, any sign of fresh trouble – or even a shortfall in curbing the pain in principal fears – will send market participants back into a tailspin of despondency.
Chart of the S&P 500 Relative to the VIX Volatility Index (Monthly)
Dow's Best Rally in 90 Years Marred by Extreme Volatility, Stimulus Dependency
Chart Created on Tradingview Platform

Tangible Economic Pain Versus Stimulus Hopes

While the turbulence of sentiment in a complex financial system is my primary concern, that doesn’t mean we are operating without a fundamental guidance. On the favorable side of the coin, optimism gathers around a historic global response by policy officials to stabilize the economy and markets. The list of stimulus efforts around the world has grown very long indeed, but the Federal Reserve’s move into purchasing a wider list of debt represents a likely plateau of capacity. Central banks have not been the group slow to respond however. That honor goes to the world’s governments. Stimulus programs from Japan and throughout Europe have attempted to establish a mooring, but the United States is the yardstick; and thus far, the touted $2 trillion stimulus program that is meant as a key component has yet to receive Congressional approval.
As the government response is debated, leading data is starting to offer a glimpse of just how troubled the forecast is looking. Tuesday’s theme on the economic docket was economic tempo established in the March PMIs for Australia, Japan, the Eurozone, France, Germany, the UK and the US. They were all miserable figures in historical terms, but the US data again stands out thanks to the country’s larger scale. A recession awaits the world and its largest component; so a plan that does not account for that scale of pressure may prove a doomed effort. The question we are evaluating for the immediate future though is whether speculative assumption has already raised the bar for US action to a point where it is impossible to live up to expectations?

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Chart US Composite PMI from Markit with US GDP (Monthly)
Dow's Best Rally in 90 Years Marred by Extreme Volatility, Stimulus Dependency
Chart from IHS Markit with Additional Data from the BEA

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