Friday, September 13, 2013

Obama set to name Summers as Fed chief

Obama set to name Summers as Fed chief: report


LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- U.S. President Barack Obama plans to name former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers as the next chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board of Governors, according to a report Friday by Japanese newspaper Nikkei, which cited unnamed sources. An announcement is expected as early as late next week, following the conclusion of the Fed's policy meeting on Wednesday. Treasury Undersecretary Lael Brainard, who served as an economic adviser under the Clinton administration, will likely be named the central bank's vice chairman, the Nikkei said. Summers would succeed Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, whose term expires in January. Summers and current Fed Vice Chairman Janet Yellen had been considered the front-runners to become the Fed's next chief. 


     美國總統歐巴馬12日,就提名前財務長官勞倫斯·薩默斯(Lawrence Summers)接任即將於明年1月卸任的美聯儲主席伯南克一事進行最終調整。副主席則計劃由財務部副部長佈雷納德(Lael Brainard)擔任。在美聯儲面臨著縮小及退出量化寬鬆以及恢復就業等諸多難題的背景下,歐巴馬認為精通經濟政策、與其關係接近的薩默斯是最合適人 選。


     圍繞下一屆美聯儲主席,薩默斯和現任副主席珍妮特·耶倫(Janet Louise Yellen)是最有力候選人。在國際金融界人士和美國議會的部分議員中,不少人支持重視恢復就業和繼承伯南克路線的耶倫,期待其成為史上首位女性主席的呼聲也很強烈。


     勞倫斯·薩默斯(Lawrence Summers):曾擔任過哈佛大學教授、世界銀行首席經濟分析師等職,1999年在克林頓政府中擔任財務部部長。在歐巴馬擔任總統的上屆政府中,其以國家經濟會議委員長的身份指揮應對金融危機。擁有哈佛大學博士學位。

     (矢澤俊樹 華盛頓報導)